Would the Uruk Platform work for project owners?

I was talking with a friend about investing in The Uruk Platform. He does some work with government agencies, like ministries of transportations, oil & gas, and other entities that build “facilities.” Further, these government entities have highly defined...

Why, what, who, and how of the Uruk Platform?

If you are one of the professionals who follow our blog site and social media, you probably know that SUKAD Corp is developing the Uruk Platform. Further, you might know that we have launched an equity crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding is necessary to raise funds to...

What is the illusion of risk transfer?

Part of the following is from our book on Leading Megaprojects, A Tailored Approach. It is about the illusion of risk transfer that project owners might experience as a result of fixed-price contracting. We will first address the culture of fixed-price contracting,...

What does it take to have a co-founder spirit?

What does it take to have a co-founder spirit? Let me start with a personal story first. In the story, which is personal, I will give you an implicit answer; i.e., read between the lines. Then I will be more explicit. Early Childhood The Civil War I grew up in a small...